Hadden Park High School

Nottingham City Council/ Carillion Plc.
Completed - 2010
8,700 sqm/ £12m
Hadden Park High School was part of the first wave of Nottingham BSF. It was one of the three sample schools that formed part of the winning Nottingham BSF bid. Hadden Park High School demonstrated the bidding team’s expertise in remodelling and refurbishing the existing school and designing a new extension for Science, Art, Humanities and Maths. The school remained operational throughout the phased construction works which comprised of 7,300m2 of remodelling works and 1400m2 of new build.
The accommodation provides a curriculum for 750 pupils, aged 11 to 16, and includes ‘shop front units’ for community use and vocational studies. The previous school formed part of the larger Hadden Campus which also included; a primary school, sports pitches and athletics stadium.
Percy Thomas Architects' master plan sought to bring an order, clarity and sense of place to an environment which previously had none. This was achieved chiefly by the introduction of a campus plaza located centrally on the site.
The plaza serves as a place of decision from which the visitor can conveniently and directly access the high school, and the adjacent SEN school, primary school, sports hall and sports pitches. The plaza is linked by pedestrian routes from all sides of the site and is served, but not crossed, by vehicular routes for parking and deliveries.
A new double height crystalline glazed main entrance pavilion was inserted, giving the school a completely new entrance which is accessible to the whole of the community. The new entrance accommodates the reception, a community café and a learning resource centre, offering a front-of-house public information hub for the local community as well as a school resource.